Yocan Troubleshooting: yocan kodo blinking 3 times

Why yocan kodo blinking 3 times?

The cartridge center pin is extruded and getting pushed in, causing a short, the kodo mod flash 3 times.

How to fix yocan kodo blinking 3 times?

Using a cotton swab and some alcohol, and cleaning it can solve this problem. You also may try adjusting the connection plate on your cartridge or battery to help re-establish a connection.

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How long do Kodo batteries last?
The battery inside the Kodo is an internal non-removable 400mAh battery. It’s a small battery, but I’d say it’s actually pretty big considering the size of the device that it’s in. You should be able to get a full day of use of it before you need to charge it.